The Origin of the War Between Good and Evil: A Short Story

For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil — Genesis 3:5

Jordan Meadows
12 min readJun 7, 2024
Photo by Pixabay/Pexels

It was the year 1999. A man named Bodhi, no longer a university student burdened with research papers, had become an integral part of Lebasi’s World, the local bookstore in the heart of town.

Bodhi had transitioned from the role of a student seeking knowledge to that of a trusted confidant and right-hand man to Lebasi, the enigmatic owner.

On an ordinary day, Bodhi set foot inside the bookstore, its shelves brimming with books eager to share their stories. As he ventured deeper, his eyes scanning the titles, he noticed a philosophy book in the back of the store covered in a thin layer of dust, as if forgotten and hidden away over time. Intrigued, he reached for it and delicately blew away the dust.

Curiosity ignited within Bodhi’s heart as he realized this book could hold a treasure trove of knowledge for his intellectual journey.

Unbeknownst to him, the book held more than mere words: it contained ideas so profound, so controversial for his time, that its very existence had become shrouded in secrecy.

